

T.H EP 06 – Lanto and the Royal Teton Retreat

What does wisdom mean to you and what would you do with it if you were shown the divine blueprint for this life?  You designed it, before this life, then got distracted and somehow forgot the plan.  There are universities of the Spirit in heaven where the blueprint is the curriculum, and the Royal Teton […]

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El Morya's Darjeeling Retreat

T.H. EP 05 – El Morya and the Temple of Good Will

If you were to inquire about a mystery – how to know the will of God and to love that will, no matter what, who would you talk with?  Would you expect that God, the source of all Creation, would have tested the one you seek to the utmost, over many thousands of years, so […]

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T.H. Ep 04 – Kuan Yin and the Temple of Mercy

Where we’re going is to the eternal China, China the Beautiful, the etheric level of China that’s part of heaven. This is going to be an eye-opener, about what Sacred China was and is meant to offer the world. Here is wisdom, the divine science of music and the noble example of the bodhisattva, ‘the […]

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T. H. Ep 03 – Gautama Buddha and Shamballa

A long time ago, as we see time, there was an island in what used to be the Gobi Sea and there was a paradise there known as Shamballa.  Who lived there, in this paradise?  Why was it the spiritual capital of the world for thousands of years and why is it windswept desert now?  […]

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Arabian Retreat

T. H. Ep 02 – Jesus Christ – Arabian Desert

Probably the most influential person in history conveyed the mysteries of the purpose of our lives through the gospels and the words and works of saints over the last two thousand years. By his sacrifice he bought us time and opportunity. But where did he go? What if you were able to ask him what’s […]

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T.H. Ep 01 – Confucius and the Royal Teton Retreat

You’ve heard the stories about holy men, masters who are never seen, who live inside the Grand Teton in splendor and sunlight and who teach interested sons and daughters of God wisdom and mercy. What will you do if the impossible is true and you’re introduced to these remarkable holy men and women? I’m your […]

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T.H. Ep 00 – Touring Heaven – Introduction

The way we’re made, physically, we can’t even fly let alone travel to heaven. So, how is it possible to actually tour heaven? Prepare to be surprised. You can go to heaven, every night.

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