Temple of Faith And Protection of Archangel Michael and Faith
Etheric Retreat of the Archangels of the First Ray
The Temple of Faith and Protection is in the etheric realm over Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada. Archangel Michael and Faith are the hierarchs of this retreat, the home of legions of blue-lightning angels who come from the four corners of the universe to serve a planet in travail. Bands of angels serving under the archangels of the other six rays also gather here, where great conclaves of the angelic hosts are held under the sponsorship of Michael, the Prince of the Archangels.
Description of The Temple of Faith and Protection
The temple is round, inlaid with gold, diamonds and sapphires. There are four entrances marking the twelve, three, six and nine o’clock lines of the focus, forming a square platform beneath the temple. Each entrance has a forty foot golden door, approached by forty-nine steps. Blue sapphires adorn the golden doors and the golden dome in a radial pattern. Beautiful gardens, fountains and white marble benches surround the temple.
The pyramid-shaped altar is made of white and blue diamonds; the color of the flame ranges from a deep sapphire blue to a pastel, almost white shade. The seats that surround the altar in concentric rings accommodate thousands of angels. Two large balconies form circular rings inside the temple, as Archangel Michael says, “for standing room only.” The flame in the center rises towards the golden dome, which is studded with blue sapphires on the outside and blue diamonds on the inside.
History of the Temple of Faith and Protection
After the coming of the first root race to the planet, when the archangels acted as chohans of the rays until these were appointed from among mankind, the retreat was hewn out of the mountain, a physical focus to which all might come to renew their energies, their faith in the divine plan for their lifestreams and their enthusiasm to serve the will of God.
After the descent of mankind’s consciousness into duality and the coming of the Luciferians and the laggards, the physical temple was destroyed, but the etheric focus lived on, as tangible as a physical temple ever was to those who travel there in their finer bodies.
When men departed from their original state of innocence and perfection, they lost their own innate protection. Archangel Michael tells us that when his angels enter the atmosphere of earth, when they descend into the dimensions of time and space, they “wear a crystalline helmet of light substance that is harder than the diamond.”
He says, “We do this because we wish no penetration to ensue that would bring into our world the power of darkness and shadow or misqualified substance. Yet, you have heard the statement made, ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.’ And therefore, mankind today often go without their tube of light, without any form of protection whatsoever into…those places of iniquity where the dark spirits assemble to vampirize mankind, [where] individuals pick up in their feeling world those negatives that then linger long afterward as the seeds of disease and produce those unhallowed states of consciousness and unhappiness that sometimes produce a terrible manifestation of the suicide entity.”1
Recharge In the Retreat of Archangel Michael at Night
Archangel Michael and Faith invite unascended lifestreams to come to this retreat while their bodies sleep to recharge and repolarize their lifestreams with the battery of the flame of faith. Angels and elementals do likewise, for all know what an invigorating experience it is to meditate in the flame room in the center of the temple and draw in the essence of the power of the will of God.
At a certain time every evening, the legions of Archangel Michael’s guardian angels who have been recharged in the flame go forth in formation from this retreat to assist souls of light to the retreats and to battle the forces of the night that would seek to entrap souls and steal the light they receive from the retreats. Legions of angels perpetually go forth from the retreat in their service of protecting mankind and the overcoming of discarnates and entities from the astral plane who would attempt to interfere with the fulfillment of the plan of God. After their day’s service, they return to the retreat and recharge in the flame.
Advice From Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael tells us that he charges us with the faith to complete our inner vows, our divine mission. He says,
“Each and every one of you has stood before the Lords of Karma before coming into embodiment, promising to render a service for the Christ. And I have stood with you, and I have also pledged my energies and those of my legions in the defense of your faith.”And so, in our temple of light at Banff, our angels do come to receive the fires of protection. There they dip in and they are recharged for the service to mankind that they perform twenty-four hours a day. Angels of Archangel Michael’s band would never go forth to do battle without the armour of light and the full protection of the Law. I charge you then to learn a lesson from your angel of faith: to put on that armour, the whole armour of God, as you have been taught, and then to go forth as you shall go forth with the legions of fearlessness flame.”2
The keynote of Archangel Michael’s retreat is the Soldiers’ Chorus from Faust, by Charles Gounod.
Morning and Evening Prayers to Archangel Michael and Faith
Morning Prayer
This is a great protection mantra to give in 4/4 march time in multiples of three.
Lord Michael before!
Lord Michael behind!
Lord Michael to the right!
Lord Michael to the left!
Lord Michael above!
Lord Michael below!
Lord Michel Lord Michel wherever I go!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
Evening Prayer Before Retiring
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
O my soul, let us arise from our abode.
Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, with Archangel Michael and a cordon of blue-lightening angels, transport my soul clothed in my finer bodies, fully equipped with the armor of God, to Archangel Michael and Faith’s Temple of Faith retreat over Banff and Lake Louise or to the designated place of my Holy Work this night. Escort me, instruct me, and guide and protect me and all co-servers, I pray Thee, now and always as we serve to cut free all life on earth.
Etheric Retreats of the Archangels
- Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith, First Ray of God’s Will
- Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine, Second Ray of Illumination
- Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity, Third Ray of Love
- Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope, Fourth Ray of Purity
- Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, Fifth Ray of Truth and Healing
- Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora, Sixth Ray of Service
- Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Amethyst, Seventh Ray of Alchemy and Transmutation
Summit Lighthouse Books on the Archangels:
Books by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Archangels and their prophecies to mankind on the world’s returning karma. Spiritual books on how to work with the violet flame and the angels for personal and world spiritual transformation and global change.
1. Archangel Michael, July 5, 1968, Mark L Prophet
2. Archangel Michael, “Charge! Charge! Charge! And Let Victory Be Proclaimed!” Pearls of Wisdom®, vol. 17, no. 15, April 14, 1974.